Ours is a very special area, overlooking the City of London.

It dates back many centuries.

In Roman times…

Queen Boudica fought the Romans on the banks of the Fleet River.

In medieval times, it was a country playground for the old City of London.

In 1613, Sir Hugh Myddelton supplied fresh water to the City.

In 1820, elegant Georgian houses grew up around the newly laid out Amwell Street. Then, in 1863, the first underground railway in the world was constructed.

In the mid 20th century…

the visionary Metropolitan Borough of Finsbury commissioned the radical Modernist architect, Berthold Lubetkin to build beautiful flats for working people.

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We are a big community of neighbours who love where they live and work to maintain Amwell’s unique character. Visitors are especially welcome to call and explore Amwell.

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Introduce yourself to the resident next door. There's no better way to build our community than to get to know your neighbours.